The Only Ones In White
By: Joseph Neil Fullerton II
After a long night of inebriation…a new day is dawning…
With the rise of the sun, I stagger to my feet yawning…
But this day is not like any other…no this day is the greatest chapter in my life…
Clean and dressed ready to face my fate…ready to take on the coming trials and promises…ready to begin that strife…
I make my way to the event…nerves surprisingly calm…peace has found me today…
I smile knowing that I am ready…that the day I have longed for, for years, has finally arrived…there is only two words I have left to say…
The music starts and my bride glides to me…a gleaming goddess, glowing brighter than she ever has before…a beauty so divine that words cannot do justice…
Standing together...we are the only ones in white and I take her hands in mine…a marriage is being performed this day…and we will do just this…
I look into her eyes…and she into mine…we share one body…one soul…one heartbeat away from heaven…we are blissfully blessed with those two words…
I do…I do…I do a thousand times over and over…forever and always…the only ones in white today…and our love takes flight with the birds…
The doves and ravens in the sky tonight…the ominous gloom of Halloween…the beauty in the celebration can be seen by all.
As we take to hiding behind our masks…we remain the only ones in white as we take to our dance…our waltz as one being…it is our masquerade ball…
Such a memory…such a wonderful occasion…a true achievement of the greatest kind…
A stepping stone in my life and a day I’ve waited for, for so long…the love of my life is finally mine…and I am hers...she is of the rarest find…
Not one of a kind…not one in a million…but just merely one…
A million and one people in this world wouldn’t even come close to being her…no one is her…she is but one! And we are the only ones in white this day…it is our day…and our vows and promises are done… plus size maternity wedding dresses
We are bound for life…for all of eternity…we are two halves to the same whole…
And we couldn’t be any happier…together we can accomplish anything…we have found that one and only soul…
We are soul mates…lovers for now and always…across time and space…through eternity…
We have vowed this to each other…and my heart is finally whole at last…a patchwork battered item, that has finally found another heart to make it feel alive…make it feel complete in its entirety…
Today we are the only ones in white and I couldn’t be any happier…I have truly found love…I have found my wife…
Her grace...her faith...her glory, and her beauty cannot be compared…not now…not ever…she is mine…and I am hers…now and always…my violin with her majestic tune…she is my life…