ADDITIONAL Prayers for Day 36
STUDY ( Phil 2:9-11, Job 33:14-16, Rev 12:1-17,Dan 10:11-13, Jn 10 : 10 )
Song : You are the mighty man in battle, Elshadai, you are the mighty man in battle, glory to your name.
1. Father, I thank you for you are the revealer os secret, you know all things, Father, I really praise you today in Jesus name.
2. Father, please let your light shine now in my life, in my family, in my city and in this nation, let every activities of darkness be exposed today in Jesus name.
3. Wall of fire, Wall of fire, Wall of fire, surround me and my loved ones now, let your fire pass through our spirit, soul & body, every deposit from evil dreams of the past, be destroyed now by fire in Jesus name
4. O you spirit wife, spirit husband detail to be my spouse from the dark kingdom, today I decree and declare our total separation with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.
5. Every dowry paid over my head in the spirit world, I return you today by fire in Jesus name. every dowry I have paid over the spirit wife in the dark kingdom , I withdraw it back in Jesus name.
6. Every demonic exchange of vow, that became evil covenants between me and spirit wife, engagement materials, wedding dresses, rings - catch fire and be destroyed today in Jesus name.
7. O Power that delivered Daniel from the den of lion, deliver me now, deliver your son's and daughters in this assembly now from the den of spirit wife & spirit husbands , as Daniel came out unhurt, so shall my deliverance be in Jesus name. petite mother of the bride or groom dresses short
8. Father, every busyness and engagement in the evil spiritual realm that keep me useless in the physical - Today, with this fasting and prayers be terminated in Jesus name.
9. Houses and properties that bears my name in the dark kingdom, that hinders me from having physical houses and properties, Holyghost fire, destroy them all in Jesus name.
10. You strange pregnancies in my dream, that makes physical conception difficult - Today be aborted by fire , every evil marital obligations that hinders my physical marital life - be terminated now in Jesus name.
11. You strange children, that are attached to me from the coven of witches, in order for my physical children not to appear - begin to die now by fire in Jesus name
12. Every Strange names and appellations that I and my loved ones bears in the spirit realm, responsible for stagnation and disappointments in the physical - Today I renounce you all in Jesus name.
13. From today O Lord, all my lost glory, all my lost virtues, to the demonic world in the spirit realm, be restored today in Jesus name.
14. Anointing that changes story, fall upon me now in Jesus name. (COME FOR THE ANOINTING SERVICE THIS EVENING@ 7PM )
15. Give special thanks and praises to God for answers to our prayers of today in Jesus name.
(From pastor Olagoke Ajayi @RCCG Tabernacle of Praise. Istanbul Turkey)