I know I have posted this once but just in case someone didn't see it. Thank you for all your help. A special thank you to LaDonna and Christy. God bless! I will be posting this several times just in case Thank you. If you need to contact me 931-387-2265. Mary Malone
If anyone can help me please let me know. Tim Tebow sponsors a Night to Shine prom for people with special needs. This year it is Friday, February 9, 2018. We just found and I am needing to find, buy or borrow a prom dress, size 14//16 for my little sister. If you know of anyone that can help me please let me know. My sister went last year and it was the best time and she was so happy. If you know who sells prom dresses I will buy one if I have to. Thank you for your help. You can message me if needed. Mary long prom dresses cheap