Portmans black and white dress size 10, new/unworn, bought for $60 selling for $40
Beserk clothing dress, new/unworn black and red strapless size 10 $20
Faceoff black and red dress size 12, worn once, $10
Hot topic red and black skinny jeans new with tags on, bought in USA us size 11 (10-12 AUS stretchy) bought for $39.50 in the US, selling for $20 June Bridals sexy bridal gown
Tripp NYC black and white spots jeans worn once (designed to fade, not over worn ? ) $30
Novo Heels, new, size 8, $20
Portmans black and white dress size 10, new/unworn, bought for $60 selling for $40
Beserk clothing dress, new/unworn black and red strapless size 10 $20
Faceoff black and red dress size 12, worn once, $10
Hot topic red and black skinny jeans new with tags on, bought in USA us size 11 (10-12 AUS stretchy) bought for $39.50 in the US, selling for $20
Tripp NYC black and white spots jeans worn once (designed to fade, not over worn ? ) $30
Novo Heels, new, size 8, $20